Karaama-Voice is a knowledge-based platform based in Oslo, Norway


KaramaSom – The Voice of Dignity

KaramaSom is a rights-based sustainable development organization dedicated to promoting integration, equality, and human rights, with a strong focus on transnational and diaspora perspectives. We host dialogue sessions with renowned speakers from around the world, bringing global perspectives to our open and solution-driven discussions.
At KaramaSom, we combine social entrepreneurship with consultancy in key areas such as integration, diversity, climate change, food security, and development policy. We actively collaborate with cross-border networks to foster knowledge sharing and innovation. By partnering with stakeholders from the public and private sectors, as well as NGOs, we develop holistic solutions that benefit both communities and individuals. Our work strengthens economic ties, promotes cultural understanding, and builds mutual respect.
We believe that economic development and knowledge sharing are essential for progress in education, healthcare, and infrastructure in countries like Somalia, which have been plagued by war and conflict for decades. KaramaSom contributes to socio-economic growth by driving innovation, attracting investment, supporting sustainable initiatives, and amplifying underrepresented voices.
Through these efforts, we promote development in both Norway and Somalia, creating meaningful opportunities for individuals and communities to thrive.

Our Vision
KaramaSom envisions a future built on solidarity and unity—where global communities come together to foster mutual respect, collaboration, and sustainable development.

Our Programs
We have expertise in family guidance, parenting, intercultural relations, communication and development, women’s empowerment, women’s rights, and conflict mediation. We are certified in ICDP, WCDI, and conflict management programs. With our experience, we offer capacity building, lectures, and customized programs on various themes for different target groups and services, tailored to the specific assignments we receive.

Some of our Projects
Since 2015, we have organized dialogue sessions and invited a wide range of professionals – including former ministers, politicians, the Mayor of Oslo, researchers, professors, and activists from Norway, Somalia, and the diaspora community. Additionally, we have organized several seminars, either within our network or in collaboration with other partners. In recent years, we have focused on launching the very first integration podcast, Integreringsstemmen, which addresses and highlights issues related to living in a multicultural society. It’s an informative podcast worth listening to. The podcast is available on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube. Here is the link- Integreringsstemmen Podcast – Apple Podcasts

We are the founders of Somali-Forum – a forum focused on aid-related issues. The forum brings together engaged Norwegians, Somalis, and Norwegian volunteer organizations working in or interested in aid and development policy. We used to meet once a month to share experiences and recommendations in this field, acting based on the insights gained.
During the 2017 drought, we made a historic effort. Not only did we organize a nationwide fundraising campaign that raised over a million in just four hours, but we, Somali Norwegians, together with Somali Forum and Save the Children, also initiated a press release about the famine in Somalia in collaboration with other Norwegian volunteer organizations such as ADRA, the Refugee Council, Church Aid, Norwegian People’s Aid, and the Development Fund. Press releases from 2017 – Frykter ny sultkatastrofe – ADRA Norge

The press release was well received within the Somali diaspora, and Norwegian Somalis were praised for the initiative. This collaboration, which was seen as unique, became a topic of conversation in several major Somali diaspora media outlets, such as Voice of America and BBC Somali, and the founder of Somali-Forum, Ubah Aden, was interviewed. Here are the links. Interview on VOA – Doorka Soomaalida Norway ee Gurmadka Abaaraha Soomaaliya (voasomali.com)

Our Norwegian volunteer organizations which work directly in the famine-stricken areas, and we Somalis in Norway who understand the crisis firsthand, each bring our own resources and expertise in crisis management. How we handled this crisis showed us that together, we are stronger. Joint Council for Africa – Storstilt norsk-somalisk innsamlingsaksjon – Fellesrådet for Afrika


KaramaSom- The voice of dignity – norsk versjon

Karama er en ideell organisasjon som arbeider for å fremme integrasjon, likestilling, menneskerettigheter og utviklingspolitikk, med et transnasjonalt og diasporaperspektiv. Vi arrangerer dialogmøter hvor vi inviterer fremtredende talere fra hele verden som kan bidra med et globalt perspektiv og engasjere seg i vår åpne, løsningsorienterte tilnærming.
Gjennom Karama-Voice kombinerer vi sosialt entreprenørskap med rådgivning innen integrasjon, mangfold, klimaendringens konsekvenser, matsikkerhet og bistand.
Karama samarbeider og deltar aktivt i flere nettverk på tvers av landegrensene for å fremme kunnskapsdeling og utvikling. Vi arbeider tett med ulike aktører, inkludert offentlige og private sektorer, samt frivillige organisasjoner, for å utvikle helhetlige løsninger som støtter både samfunn og mennesker. Våre tilnærmingsmodeller fremmer økonomiske bånd, kulturell forståelse og gjensidig respekt.
Vi er overbevist om at økonomisk utvikling og kunnskapsdeling er avgjørende for fremgang på tvers av samfunnsområder som utdanning, helse og infrastruktur. Karama bidrar til både landets og individenes sosioøkonomiske utvikling ved å fremme innovasjon, tiltrekke investeringer, støtte bærekraftig vekst og være en stemme for de stemmeløse. På denne måten styrker vi utviklingen både i Norge og Somalia, og skaper muligheter for vekst og forbedring for både mennesker og lokalsamfunn.

Visjon – Karamas ambisjon er å skape en fremtid preget av solidaritet og enhet, og å bygge et globalt fellesskap som er forankret i gjensidig respekt, samarbeid og bærekraftig utvikling.